Monday, June 10, 2019

Surge protection and Lightining protection for your network

Summer is here again. If you have a business telephone system you should be ready for summer storms, power outages and the occasional lightning strike.  Without some proper preparation and planning your business could be burned big time.

Do you have primary and secondary surge protection on your incoming telephone lines?

Is your telephone system grounded to the building ground?

Do you have a UPS /battery backup system to guard against power outages and brownouts. An older telephone system may lose its programming if a power outage occurs.  Hire a local telephone technician to evaluate the system and install a UPS.

Lightning surge protection should be considered for your telephone equipment, data network equipment and cctv systems (outdoor cameras?).  A lightining strike can damage anything and everything.

Contact TGS at 908 272 2008 for an evaluation especially if your system is a bit elderly (Norstar or  Lucent Partner).  Visit our website at for more information.

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